Motor Neuron Disease Research Centre

Beneficiary Profile

Macquarie has assembled the largest research centre in Australia that is focused solely on finding the causes of MND and developing therapies to cure it.

Macquarie University launched the Motor Neuron Disease (MND) Research program with a mission to provide world-class care for people living with MND, and to develop new effective treatments for this devastating disease.
MND is a terminal, rapidly progressing neurological disease. Every year in Australia around 800 people are diagnosed with this disease. Each day, two people lose their lives – as their families stand by, powerless to help.
Macquarie has assembled the largest research centre in Australia that is focused solely on finding the causes of MND and developing therapies to cure it.

Their research and consultation at the centre are conducted through:

  • Partnership: Establishing and developing research relationships, both within the University and with external researchers, and not-for-profit agencies locally, nationally, and internationally; and
  • Research excellence: Developing, delivering and enhancing quality biomedical research by adhering to the highest ethical and scientific standards, and professional practices; and
  • Patient care: Providing world-class integrated multidisciplinary care from initial diagnosis, disease management and measurement of MND.
Advancing Medical Research Through
Social Impacts
Advancing Knowledge
Capacity Building
Health Impacts
Further Reading