SpinalCure Australia

Beneficiary Profile

SpinalCure Australia identifies and funds the world’s most promising cure-focused research for spinal cord injury (SCI).

SpinalCure Australia has been Australia’s pioneer and leader in the funding and promotion of cure-related SCI research for 30 years. Over the past five years, SpinalCure has raised over $30 million to help accelerate life-changing research in this area.  

More than 20,000 Australians live with an SCI and the burden to the economy is enormous, with SCI having an estimated lifetime cost of $75.4 billion.

Living with an SCI is hugely devastating. Reaching far beyond having an inability to walk, an SCI often leads to a loss of other bodily functions such as bladder and bowel control and impacts a person’s mental health, independence and freedom as they become more reliant on the help and care of others.

SpinalCure’s work is focused on three areas: advancing neurostimulation (a potentially revolutionary treatment for people with SCI), progressing early intervention via neuroprotection research and strengthening the SCI industry through advocacy work and planning treatment roll-out.

Through collaborations with universities, government, business, community and philanthropists, SpinalCure is highly targeted with its research funding and focused on looking for results and real improvements in patient outcomes. To meet this end, SpinalCure’s international Scientific Advisory Panel helps it select the very best scientists and therapies to ensure SpinalCure can move closer to the goal of finding a cure for SCI.

Projects and discoveries underway

Supporting studies to advance neurostimulation and an IVIg clinical trial as potential treatments for spinal cord injury. With over 20,000 Australians living with SCI, these efforts aim to revolutionise treatments and improve patients' quality of life.

Advancing Medical Research Through
Social Impacts
Advancing Knowledge
Capacity Building
Health Impacts
Further Reading